General FAQs

Who is eligible to attend Indiana Digital Alternative School (INDAS)?
Any student in grades 9–12 who resides in Indiana is eligible for full-time enrollment.
What subjects will my child study?
Language arts/English, math, science, and history are core courses. There are also other courses in the appropriate grade levels, such as art, health/PE, music, and world languages. High schoolers also have access to electives and career-focused courses.
What if my child is behind on credits or failing classes?
INDAS specializes in addressing the needs of students who are struggling. Our credit recovery curriculum helps students get back on track.
Does INDAS provide textbooks and other instructional materials?
Yes. We provide textbooks and instructional materials. These books and materials are dependent on the student’s grade level and the courses they’re enrolled in.
Can students work at their own pace?
Our high school program provides a somewhat flexible learning environment that includes weekly assignments, scheduled lessons and activities, and assignments with set due dates. Optional and required instructional sessions are scheduled throughout the week to support student learning. Students have the flexibility of creating a schedule that enables them to complete academic work and receive teacher support throughout the day.
How much time do students spend on the computer?
In high school, most of the school day is online.
How do students interact socially?
Students spend time with classmates online and through school outings, field trips, and other activities. In addition to school-based clubs, K12 online national clubs help connect students with like interests and passions.
Will this program intrude into my home?
There are no home visits as part of the program and no other intrusions into your home.